Building a progressive, democratic, and representative
LASA that puts students first.

We’re forming a union to collectively bargain over working conditions and we need your support, if you’re a student at LASA, please sign your union authorization card today.

To get involved in the effort, please join us at our meetings every Tuesday in G104 (DiGioia) at lunch, we’d love to see you there.

Our platform

We believe LASA is actively harming our students and teachers through willful negligence around workloads, mental health care, and stress levels.

This is supported through the college rat race and a grades-based social hierarchy encouraged by the vicious feedback loop of parents and administration.

Teachers are then expected to work many hours on weekends and nights to grade work ASAP to maintain the social hierarchy.

This must end, and we must have a community school that puts students first with a union culture.

We believe that students are capable of building power through organizing students, community leaders and parents.

We believe that strong, independent democratic institutions are critical to building student power.

We believe that we can build a healthier, less stressful and safer work environment through collective bargaining with administrators.

Student Council slate

We’re running a progressive slate of democratic reformers for student council to turn it into a democratic institution working for students.

If you’d like to seek our endorsement, please contact

Reese Armstrong

Reese Armstrong

for Senior President

Reese is a tireless advocate for students’ health & wellbeing and an organizer for working class politics throughout Austin.

Meet the coalition

The graphic below represents all the current signatories and you can tap to visit their websites.

If your organization would like to join the coalition, please contact